科学理论的角度说故事不够严谨从题材来说还算新颖里面杂糅了青涩的爱情主题交错时光的爱恋~不过也有人生关于光阴的命题TIME WAITS for no one~每次扯到这种复杂的主题我就会觉得片子的内涵很高深~囧~~要是用歌名来形容的话性饥渴老妇XXXⅩOOOO可以叫《花蝴蝶日本大全免费观看3高清版》哈哈其实描述的是一种感觉就像我对淡淡风格的《激情影院》、《亲爱的隐居先生》的感觉一样
Poor Minus, young but forced to face the reality. Loved Minus, Papa spoke to him. It seems that it is not so important to recognize the power of god or that of love. what really important is love always exists and all kinds of love exist, the most absurd and the most sublime, the trust or the distrust, love is the proof of God.